When Adventure Calls….You Answer

In the spirit of off-season adventure seeking, I am tackling a crazy daunting challenge. In four short days, I will be running the North Face Endurance Challenge, a 50 mile trail ultra marathon with 10,000 feet of climbing. To say I am nervous would be an understatement. I feel like I did treading water on the start line of my first Ironman back in Klagenfurt in July 2011. It is a feeling of apprehension mixed with excitement: not knowing if I am ready for the race but eager to test myself against the course and competitors.
After Kona in October, I was in dire need of a mental and physical break from the myopic focus of triathlon training. In my hiatus from the tri-world, I hoped to find a new challenge that spoke to my heart. As soon as I read about the North Face Endurance Challenge 50 mile event, I immediately wanted to enter. (My bucket list of life adventures has always included some ultra marathons like Comrades, Hard Rock, Western States, and UTMB to name a few.) The race hit my adventure target with 50 hard undulating miles along the gorgeous trails in Marin county with amazing views of the ocean, bay, and city that are sure to take my breath away if the hills don’t.
As soon as I entered, after struggling through a four hour long run, I questioned my sanity. Who enters a 50 mile hilly trail race as their fun off-season activity? But now with only four days until the race, I am excited for the challenge, can’t wait to test myself on the amazing trails, and of course my main goal is to finish with a muddy, tear-streaked, but smiling face.
Enjoy your off-season adventures! I look forward to seeing you all back out there rested and refreshed to tackle your triathlon-ing challenges in 2016!